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Good Friday Beach Service 2023

We held our Good Friday Service on the North Beach end of the Wallaroo North Beach again this year. About 85 people attended again this year. The weather held off just long enough for us to have some fellowship time after the service.
It was a great time of fellowship celebrating our Lord together.
We all joined together for Communion followed by a BBQ with Bob Short supplying his famous Whiting sausages.
We have an incremental return to the Chapel mid June 2020

As the South Australian Covid 19 restrictions are eased, we are making an incremental return to meeting together in the Chapel on Owen Terrace.
The Thursday morning Bible Study group started back mid June and on the 21st June we have increased the number attending the Sunday Service to 29.
At this stage the Sunday Service is limited to invitation only to those people unable to access the live-streamed services.
We look forward to seeing everyone back and talking face to face.
Station Christmas Lunch 2021

Again this year, on the 14th of December, our fellowship hosted a Christmas Lunch for the people who attend the "Station" in the old railway station at Wallaroo.
We had a very enjoyable time as we catered for about 40 people.
Covid 19 restrictions were adhered to.
Our resident illusionist, Bob, was a great hit and Bob, Elenore and Catherine presented a musical rendition to entertain them during the course of their lunch.
Live-stream of the Sunday Church Service 3rd May 2020

Due to the Covid 19 restrictions our Sunday Services can not at present occur in the church building but we are continuing them at 10am each Sunday morning in a new format.
A very small essential group meet at the Church to present the service live-streamed on Facebook. This process started using a phone to record and stream the service and this week has graduated to a camera and computer setup giving us far more versatility. We can now schedule the stream and add photos and pre-recorded video clips to the live-stream. It is very refreshing to see our church families' faces on the videos.
Adult Bible Studies using the "ZOOM" platform

Due to the Covid 19 restrictions for the church, the Tuesday night and Thursday morning Bible study groups are now meeting online using the "ZOOM" platform on the internet.
Pastor Arthur's study questions are downloaded from this website and the participants log in from their own home. It is great to be back studying God's Word together and this process works well. If you want to join us in the studies, contact Pastor Arthur and he will send you an invitation to join each week via your email.
Church Prayer Meeting 22nd March 2020

Today we held church outside. We listened to Psalm 91, sang Amazing Grace, How Great is Our God and Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, and people prayed. We were joined by visitors from Kadina and members of a Christian Motorcycle Club up from Adelaide.
Next week , unless things change, we will meet in the chapel with chairs spread out to allow 25 - 40 people and will at least record the whole service until we can get our live stream up and running.
Station Christmas Lunch 2019

Again this year, on the 5th of December, our fellowship hosted a Christmas Lunch for the people who attend the "Station" in the old railway station at Wallaroo.
We had a very enjoyable time as we catered for about 40 people.
Our resident illusionist, Bob, was a great hit as he entertained them during the course of their lunch.
David Boots from SOS Copper Coast presented a very enlightening talk about suicide prevention.
Click here to contact SOS Copper Coast